SHG is proud of our alumni who are serving or who have served in the United States Military. We realize that there may be many more alumni who have served our country but whose information we do not have. If you, or someone you know, has served or is currently serving, please email Dana Greene, at and we will update our list to include those names. Thank you!

Air Force

Tyler Casson, '10 - Air Force 2010
William Charlton, '15 - Air Force 2015
Nick Evans, '13 - Air Force 2013
Sean Kenzel, '12 - Air Force 2012
James Kohlrus, '11 - Air Force 2011
Elizabeth Malmevik, '04 - Air Force 2004
Dalton Manci, '14 - Air Force 2014
Michael V. Santini, '05 - Air Force 2005
John Sronce, '04 - Air Force 2004
Matthew Urbas, '17 - Air Force 2017
Margaret Smith, '17 - Air Force 2017
Kaylee Melton, '14 - Air National Guard 2014
Justin Melton, '17 - Air National Guard 2017
Josh Megginson, '12 - Air Force 2012

Michael Healey '17 - Air Force, ROTC 2017


Joshua Allotey, Jr, '01 - 军队 2015

Joey Angeli, '12 - 军队 2012
Nathaniel Bell, '21 - 军队 2021
Jon Bluhm, '14 军队 2014
Ethan Bluhm, '15 - 军队 2015
Caleb Bowman, '13 - 军队 2013
Tom Bowman, '65 - 军队 1965
Tim Capestrain, '09 - 军队 2009
Hunter Clark, '13 - 军队 2013
Dustin Cody, '09 - 军队 2009
Matthew Ey, '92 - 军队 1992
Mitchell Franklin, '15 - 军队 2015
Nick Garcia, '08 - 军队 2008
Joseph Geiger, '09 - 军队 2009
Ryan Giacomini, '19 - 军队 2019

Michael R. Hostick '68 - 军队 1969
John Kabbes, '99 - 军队 1999
Victor Kimberlin, '08 - 军队 2008
Tyler Lanterman, '14 - 军队 2014
Douglas Maroon, '16 - 军队 2016
Sean Martin, '07 - 军队 2007
John Meyer, '08 - 军队 2008
Thomas Metz, '05 - 军队 2022
Anthony Miller, '11 - 军队 2011
Dylan Miller, '13 - 军队 2013
James Mulholland, '76 - 军队 1976
Grant Puls, '12 - 军队 2012
TJ Rowe, '10 - 军队 2010
Chris Ryan, '10 - 军队 2010
Mike Rybak, '92 - 军队 1992
Will Schuh, '06 - 军队 2006
Alex Sepanski, '12 - 军队 2012
Chris Smith, '14 - 军队 2014
Jake Smith, '10 - 军队 2010
Andrew Trine, '03 - 军队 2003
John VonBehren, '08 - 军队 2008

TJ Weir, '14 - 军队 2014

Will Smith, '15 - 军队 National Guard 2014

Luke Mueller, '17 - 军队, ROTC 2017

Coast Guard

Michael Mazrim, '96 - Coast Guard 1996
Shawn Ryan, '97 - Coast Guard 1997


Matt Anderson, '10 - Marines 2010
Anne Bloechle, '07 - Marines 2007
Mark Bretz, '03 - Marines 2003

Grace Bracco '20 - Marines 2020
Sam Casson, '14 - Marines 2014
Chris Cox, '09 - Marines 2009
Brandon Dixon, '07 - Marines 2007
Michael Dodson, '16 - Marines 2016
Anastacia Hanauer, '12 - Marines 2012
Matt Janes, '12 - Marines 2012
David Morehead, '14 - Marines 2014
Alex Naumovich, '09 - Marines 2009
Patrick Root, '11 - Marines 2011
Cavan Stannard, '14 - Marines 2014
Clay Vaughn, '09 - Marines 2009
Zach Moore, '08 - Marines 2008
Trevor Vandevelde, '13 - Marines 2013
Colton Rees, '13 - Marines 2013
Travis Landgrebe, '01 - Marines 2001

Merchant Marines

Colton Schmidt, '19 - Merchant Marines 2019


Mary Alheim, '97 - 海军 1997
Jon Bauman, '04 - 海军 2004
Cecilia Costa, '14 - 海军 2014
James Davis, '06 - 海军 2006
Nathaniel Fierstos, '16 - 海军 2016
Kaitlyn N. Fitzgerald, '20 - 海军 2020
Conor Ford, '13 - 海军 2013
Tim Forman, '13 - 海军 2013
Anton Katalinich, '08 - 海军 2008
Theodore Luker, '14 - 海军 2014
Alex Nester, '08 - 海军 2008
Steve Sartore, '14 - 海军 2014
Tucker Schmidt, '16 - 海军 2016
Zach Smith, '11 - 海军 2011
Grace Geiger, '06 - 海军 (check grad date) 2006
Matthew Gaffigan, '93 - 海军 1993